1) When I realized I could no longer a) pull the car from the garage, b) put said car in N and engage e-brake, c) leave car and reenter garage, d) press button at back of garage closing garage door, and e) sprint the length of garage in time to jump under closing door but elevate my feet above the sensors.
Han made it look so easy in A New Hope. |
2) When I ran pretty hard in a 5K on Thanksgiving Day without adequately training, then feeling back pain for the next 36 hours.
3) When, just today, I had a "these d*mn milennials moment" at a store when a cashier told me to move to a line in another direction without saying please.
The fine merchandise I put back in my pique. They probably wouldn't have even said "thank you" at the end of the transaction. |
Caroline still nestles Woofie and Marshmallow into bed at the start of a day. |