Sunday, November 20, 2016

My weekly Lutheran comment

Okay, peeps, here I go with something of a rant. Not theological, mind you. Really more about church manners. Other mainline Protestants might see something in this too.

Recently I had cause to attend a worship service I knew I couldn't stay for the end of. Schedule conflict. But someone I knew was being baptized and I thought (correctly) that I could stay through the baptism before I had to hit the road for my work duty (chaperoning a play). This was the perfect, I mean, perfect reason to sit at a back corner of the church so I wouldn't disturb other worshipers when, inevitably, I would have to leave early.

Alas, it was impossible. The back rows were nearly full. Middle rows weren't. One back row was entirely full, another was mostly, with a few seats toward the middle.

I settled for an organ bench, in the corner.

So, faithful readers, may I exhort you in this 500th year of celebrating the Reformation, can we consider moving as far front and center as possible? It might be a more welcoming act than meets the eye.

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