Sunday, April 19, 2020

And we're back to our corrosive partisan politics again

So our president is calling for protests in various state capitals seeking to liberate them from the tyranny of Democratic governors. It's the most cowardly display of leadership I've ever seen from a president.

Anxiety is the unhealthy obsession and fear of developments that a) we cannot control and b) ultimately won't kill us. Many Americans want Donald in the White House. A larger number are indifferent to his antics. And then there are many who think he's better than the alternative (which, honestly, I don't get). The majority of Americans don't want Donald in the White House but, oh, Electoral College something-something. There's not a damn thing I can do about these, and whether or not the fraud gets another four years in office won't kill me.

I guess I should unplug from reading and fretting over political news for a while.

In the meanwhile I can vote. I can contribute. I can humbly remind myself that people I love look at political matters differently than I. I can keep in mind that there are problems to which I'm blind and indifferent just like any other American. I can use humor to make my way through the day's news. And I can ask for forgiveness when my humor gives way to sarcasm that is a bit too biting. 

It's a shame I'm not at this point confident the Democrats can overcome the Republicans' advantage in the Electoral College to boot our toddler-tyrant out of the White House. I mean it's possible. Maybe the odds are better than a coin flip. Doesn't matter, I still wrote a check for Joe. And I'll vote for him, too. The last candidate I contributed to was back in 2008, and it was for a fella our current president called a coward.

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