Monday, July 2, 2012

Since I've been gone . . .

I followed the news, somewhat, while gone. Altogether, I was in California for 11 days with my family. The last four we had almost no access to the online world, which in some ways was a blessing. Forced me to step away from the cycle. So, what did I miss . . .

The Supreme Court's Decision: Good. It's decided. Let's move on with Obamacare. It's bad law. A bad solution to a profoundly complex problem. So, why am I glad the Supreme Court assented to it? I'm simply glad the court said yes or no rather than maybe or partially. Further, we can stop fighting 2009's battle. I'd like for Republicans to concede that there should be coverage for all, with a concession from Democrats that the nation do something, something, to meaningfully reduce the costs of that coverage. That's a grand bargain I can live with.

Natalie Munroe was terminated (though a lawsuit is pending): I'm sad but not opposed. A principal for whom I once worked would ask candidates in interviews if it was important for a teacher to be liked. He thought that answer was yes. But I always thought it was crucial for students to think the teacher liked them. Teachers who cannot even fake the sentiment that they like the students have no chance of succeeding in the classroom. That's where Natalie failed. Kids couldn't conclude that she liked them.

Towamencin Township: It's trying to petition the PA Turnpike Commission to change the name of the nearby interchange to Kulpsville. I am steadfastly opposed. That exit, as it stands now, is an extraordinary one: It's number is 31, it's old number was 31; It has only one name ("Lansdale") and one town ("Lansdale") whereas all others have two town names, each different from the name of the interchange. Exit 31 of the Northeast Extension needs to be respected as we respect the National League's decision not to go with the Designated Hitter.

And I think that's all the important stuff. A one week hop off of the vicious cycle that constitutes news these days is therapeutic.

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