Monday, November 3, 2014

Current Streak: 3

This post is coming one day late.

A neat tradition at our church is the display of portraits of loved ones who have died on All Saints' Sunday. I don't have much more to say on it than that I'm taken back at the time it must take for the church's decorators to put all those portraits up in the nice manner they do.

I ended up making a morning of it at church. Took Sam and a friend up to sing with choir at 7:45, heard them at 8:15 service, met some new members whom we're mentoring (one of which is a friend of Sherry's) and then sang at 10:45. That's a long morning. Should've earned two donuts for that.

Oh, and now for something a week late: Neat post from a pastor whose sermons I'm starting to follow from afar. I like his summary of the Lutheran tradition, and how it relates to what churches can consider today - I invite you to read it here. Ironically, this comes shortly after reading some of the interesting posts from the New York Times' Ross Douthat regarding his Catholic faith. Though I don't identify with the positions he takes in his posts (I'm a Lutheran after all) I appreciate the chance to see someone else's articulation of their faith and defense of it.

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